Khloé Kardashian Denies Liposuction Rumors

Yesterday, RadarOnline wrote that Khloé Kardashian's newly fitter figure was the product of a little secret surgical help, and the reality-star-turned-gym-devotee is not having it. Quoting an "insider" who told the website that "Khloé got serious lipo done on her waistline, tummy and legs over three months ago," Radar claims "Kardashian is so thrilled with the results that 'she’s also looking into having her butt reduced in size because now it looks out of proportion to her new small frame.'" But don't waste a moment entertaining this idea: Kardashian took to Twitter today to shut down the liposuction rumors, tweeting her righteous disbelief of the claims ... from the gym. Proudly citing her five-day-a-week-workouts as evidence of her natural physique, the reality star good-naturedly "find[s] [the rumors] disgusting but maybe a compliment," and asks, "why is it so hard to give credit where credit is due?" Good question, Khloé.

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