The World Saw LeBron James’ Penis Last Night

Photo: Back Page Images/Rex/REX USA.
Look, there's really no other way to say this. We all saw LeBron James' penis last night. During Thursday night’s NBA playoff game between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors, James (unintentionally) shared his private parts on national television. Right before tip-off, James was rearranging his shorts and jersey — as he always does before a game. The cameras were on him in this moment and we all got a brief peek at what's inside his briefs. It appears the footage has since been cleaned up a bit. But, Deadspin was able to post the original video. James has yet to comment on the incident and chances are he may feel a bit embarrassed. The only thing we know for sure is the meaning of "tip-off" is forever changed. (Deadspin) More fun reads:
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