Kim Kardashian’s Rolling Stone Cover & “Cute” Interracial Couples Remark Might Break The Internet

Photo: Rolling Stone.
What's more incendiary? Putting Kim Kardashian on the cover of a respected music magazine to talk about feminism, or tapping controversial photographer Terry Richardson to shoot the image? The ubiquitous reality star poses in a sailor-inspired Guess top pulled down to reveal her red bra and its copious contents for the July Rolling Stone cover story. One need only scan the comments on the magazine's Facebook page to get a taste of the outrage from readers. Good thing pitchforks are hard to come by these days. While we're certainly not on board with the slut-shaming protests that seem to be pouring in, there's no denying that Kardashian's interview gives readers plenty of cause to smack their heads against a desk. For instance, there are her snipes about brother Rob's weight gain; her memories of supporting O.J. Simpson because her father was defending him; and her gushing about the makeover she credits Kanye West with giving her. Speaking of Kanye, Kardashian reveals she's long been especially fond of interracial relationships. "When I was in high school, I'd get magazines and see interracial couples and think, 'They are so cute,'" she shares. "I've always been attracted to a certain kind of look." Well, okay then. For more of Kardashian's take on feminism and her relationship with Caitlyn Jenner, pick up the latest Rolling Stone. Just don't be surprised if the cashier throws a little shade your way.

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