Why America Ferrera Thanked Donald Trump For His Racist Speech

Donald Trump has made a lot of enemies due to his recent polarizing speech on why Mexico is no friend of the U.S. However, according to actress America Ferrera, some good might come out of his faux pas: Trump's racist remarks have mobilized Latino voters straight to the polls. "While your comments are incredibly ignorant and racist," Ferrera wrote in an open letter on Huffington Post, "I don't want to spend my time chastising you. I'll leave that to your business partners like Univision and NBC, who have the power to scold you where it hurts. Instead, I'm writing to say thank you!" she wrote. "You see, what you just did with your straight talk was send more Latino voters to the polls than several registration rallies combined! Thank you for that. Here we are pounding the pavement to get American Latinos to the polls, while your tactic proves most effective. Remarks like yours will serve brilliantly to energize Latino voters and increase turnout on election day against you and any other candidate who runs on a platform of hateful rhetoric." As Ferrera accurately points out, Latinos are the youngest and fastest growing cohort among American voters, and the population of Latinos in the United States grew roughly 49% over the first twelve years of the new millennium. "In case you need a translation, that means there are a whole lot of Americans who are Latino and have the right to vote. And, we're not going anywhere," the actress added. While Ferrera did a killer job of including the facts and figures to support her points, she also hit a home run that all U.S. citizens can identify with. "The truth is, Mr. Trump, that your comments mean that you fail to see that immigrants are what have made this nation. They are at the core of our ideals, and they are the foundation that keeps us afloat. No, Mr. Trump, you may not reduce us to drug dealers and rapists. We are moms and dads, sons and daughters. We are valedictorians and honor students. We are college graduates, bankers, police officers, entertainers, teachers, journalists, politicians and we are the future of America." We can't imagine better words to kick of Fourth of July weekend — major thanks to America Ferrera for putting an ignorant bully in his place and setting the record straight.

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