Blake Lively’s Instagram Is A Total Mystery To Ryan Reynolds

Remember how last year Jennifer Garner got asked a million questions about being married to Ben Affleck (sob)? Well, Ryan Reynolds is the new Jennifer Garner. The actor has already spoken about wife Blake Lively's red carpet action. Now, Mr. Blake Lively is trying to explain how it's possible that he has absolutely no clue that his spouse posts adorable memes about him. Like, how is her Insta not the first thing he checks every morning? "You know it’s funny, we’re always together and we’re always talking, but we don’t talk about that stuff that much,”Reynolds told a BuzzFeed reporter who asked about his many memes. Turns out, he's clueless. And kinda embarrassed. And pretty adorable. Oh, Ryan. Don't make Blake stop. Just take a look at what you're missing.

" all started with a spider" -Walt Disney

A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on

OPENER IMAGE: Matt Baron / BeImages.

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