Every Romantic Comedy You Need To Know

Watching a good rom-com yields a particular type of satisfaction, and we fully understand the pleasures of rewatching When Harry Met Sally… for the millionth time, reciting every word, and singing along to “Surrey With The Fringe On Top.” But sometimes revisiting the same classics over and over again can get numbing, so here are some under-loved options for your viewing pleasure.
Our criteria for this list is multi-layered. Some of the films were brushed off by critics upon release, others were beloved but underseen, and many have somewhat faded into obscurity. We’ve got a range of choices here, including big-budget Hollywood flicks starring rom-com kings and queens like Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock. And then we've got some indies. Some are on the melancholy side. The work of Jennifer Westfeldt is strongly represented. It's not a comprehensive list, just a couple of our favorites from the past few decades.
So click ahead and enjoy. All that’s required is a willingness to believe that love can be real.

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