Jared Leto’s Lawyer Wants You To Stop Talking About The Size Of Her Client’s Package

Photo: Jim Smeal/BEImages
Attorney Allison S. Hart has a bone to pick with certain folks spreading rumors about a certain celebrity client's, er, bone. The Lavely & Singer lawyer to the stars sent a letter to Lipstick Alley threatening legal action over comments posted on the celebrity gossip site about the size of Jared Leto’s package, Above the Law reports. Hart raised objections to comments posted by readers about Leto's generous endowment, requesting they be taken down However, Paul Alan Levy, Lipstick Alley's attorney at Public Citizen, fired back an eloquent and incisive defense against Hart's claims. "Some of the posts of which you object do not appear to me to be defamatory. Two of the posts simply mention claims found elsewhere in the Internet that your client has a large penis," Levy wrote. "It is hard to see how those statements would hurt your client’s reputation, even if they are false. It is, as I understand it, the accusation of having a small penis that is understood to be an insult." He does seem to have a point there. "I assume that you do not have personal knowledge about the size of Leto’s penis," Levy added, lending a whole new meaning to the concept of attorney-client privilege. Whatever the case, we're pretty sure that this attempt to get people to stop speculating about the magnitude of Leto's privates has resulted in quite the opposite.

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