8 Surprisingly Scandalous Little House On The Prairie Story Lines

The theme song and opening sequence of Little House in the Prairie is incredibly comforting. Sit a spell, Ma and Pa seem to say as she tucks her hair into her bonnet. We'll tell you a story of a simpler time, long before Snapchat or Angry Birds, when kids just rolled down hills to amuse themselves. The music swells, the camera focuses on a quaint town full of quaint townsfolk and you ready yourself for a story about the county fair or butter churning.
But Little House wasn't all marbles and fiddle-playing. There's that one where Ma seriously considers hacking off part of her arm. And the one when Mr. Edwards is mauled by bears. And the one when Mr. Edwards is crushed by a tree (it was a rough show for Mr. Edwards). The show wasn't just in it for the shock of gore so soon after homemade apple pie, it also hit a surprising number of important issues like fat-shaming, disabilities, and sexual assault. So if Melissa Gilbert's (a.k.a. half-pint) run for congress inspires some nostalgia watching, be careful. If you want an interesting, thought-provoking hour of television, we have some suggestions. But if you want to peacefully unwind, we suggest a lovely season 2 episode about a one-room schoolhouse math meet.

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