See How The Alexander Wang Girl Has Changed After 10 Years In New York

What do you do when you’re young, you’re popular, you’ve built an empire, and you’re planning on celebrating a milestone? Well, you invite your whole squad, liquor them up with an ice luge, hire some entertainment, and serve the best drunk food known to humankind (that’s Hooters’ sliders and boneless wings, in case you were wondering). Unlike Wang’s past bashes, where he’s worked to create what's really a big theme party, you get the feeling that the only motif of this year's after-party was Things Alex Likes. When he piles into a party bus with his people on weekend nights, this is the kind of night they have.
Alexander Wang started his business in 2005. In the decade since, he's quickly become one of the most promising American designers of this generation — in an age when stateside fashion feels like a grouping of was-greats and almost-theres, Alexander Wang is firmly It. Plus, he’s built a real company that’s not only managed to define this generation’s aesthetic, but has made money while doing it.
When we first interviewed Wang in 2007, his line was just two years old, but his understanding of New York women was deeply formed — even when it came to something as simple as sizes. “Girls are always really adamant about being a size two or four and sticking within that boundary. But my customer is someone who’s a lot more experimental and confident in herself. She can go up to a rack and if she wants something more baggy or loose-fitting, she’ll buy it in a size 10. She won’t let those little things [like sizing] stop her.”
For all the changes and growth of the brand, Alexander Wang has stayed surprisingly consistent in that he has always made clothes for women who can sing along to every word of "Miss Officer," won't say no to a Jell-O shot, and will look at the athletes on stripper poles and not start pawing at their pearls. Ahead, we’ve indicated a couple of the changes in Wang’s woman, using pics from the designers's most recent Spring 2016 runway show and collections from the past.