The 7 Most Bizarre Moments From Terrence Howard’s Rolling Stone Interview

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Celebrities say the darndest things sometimes. When it comes to strange, what-did-I-just-read Hollywood interviews, Willow and Jaden Smith's musings on prana energy, time, and mysticism surely come to mind. But now, Terrence Howard is throwing his hat into the ring with his latest off-kilter chat with Rolling Stone. The interview kicks off with a mention of his hugely popular show Empire and an acknowledgement of his troubled past. After that, things started throwing us for a loop. Below, we've rounded Howard's strangest quotes and moments from the interview and what we've gleaned from them — interpretations welcome. 1. People have up to 432 different faces.
"Today, for me, has been about searching out who I am," Howard told the magazine. "We've got all these different faces that want to come out — there's at least four just in this moment, with a possible expansion to 432 — but which one do you let out?" 2. Howard has some thoughts on mathematics.
"It might seem crazy, it may even be crazy, but a long time ago [Howard had] gotten hold of this notion that one times one doesn't equal one, but two," Rolling Stone wrote. "He began writing down his logic, in a language of his own devising that he calls Terryology." 3. And why bubbles are round.
"Since I was a child of three or four," he told the magazine, "I was always wondering, you know, why does a bubble take the shape of a ball? Why not a triangle or a square? I figured it out. If Pythagoras was here to see it, he would lose his mind. Einstein, too! Tesla!" 4. His marriage to Mira Pak involved some unusual activities.
"In 2013, he got married again, to an L.A. restaurateur named Mira Pak, and the two would spend up to 17 hours a day cutting shapes out of the plastic and joining them together into various objects meant to demonstrate not only his one-times-one theory but many others as well." 5. He has filled his Chicago apartment with offbeat, DIY decor.
"The place is filled with his fantastical plastic assemblages," Rolling Stone wrote. "They bear a similarity to building blocks but the shapes are infinitely more complex, in two dimensions and three, tied together by copper wire or held in place by magnets. There are hemispheres, cubes, tetrahedrons and flighty wings. Some of the objects are as small as mice, others as big as fire hydrants..." 6. Pak, whom Rolling Stone calls his "soon-to-be-ex-wife," is aware they had a strange marriage.
"We don't have a normal life," Pak told Rolling Stone. "In our two years together, I've only gone to restaurants with him two or three times. We've never been to the supermarket together. We've never been to the movies. I've never gotten a gift from him. Never, never." 7. He seems to have a very long memory.
"I remember being in the womb, found comfort there, and have been aware since that moment."

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