30 Times Kate Winslet Said The Perfect Thing

Kate Winslet has been gracing our screens and earning all sorts of kudos for her work since she was a teenager in Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures (1994). That's a long time in Hollywood years. It's no wonder Tina Fey was astonished to learn last year, "Oh my God, Kate Winslet is still not 40! That is just rude."
Well, now she is turning 40 at last, and embracing it, as she's been quoted in many a place saying this year. Actually, from her Titanic days to the present, she's proven to be one of the most quotable stars. She curses like a sailor and takes down magazines that want to airbrush away her curves and wrinkles. She reveals embarrassing anecdotes about herself, and at the same time guards her three children's privacy like a mama bear (and mama of Bear, ha). She pokes fun of husband Ned Rocknroll's last name. And all along she makes us feel like we don't need to live up to some ridiculous standard of beauty that even she can't. Not that we're anywhere near as imperfectly beautiful as Kate, but we still get the gist. On her birthday, here are some of the many times, she said the right thing.


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