Brie Larson Says That Amy Schumer Is Queen Of Embarrassing Icebreakers

Photo: Erik Pendzich/REX USA.
Getting comfortable with a new group of people isn't always the easiest thing. And, Amy Schumer totally empathized with that fact going into the filming of Trainwreck, according to co-star and pal Brie Larson. Predictably, the comedian is a master of cutting through heavy tension. On the day the baby shower scene was filmed, Schumer introduced all the actors to one another, and then asked them a highly personal question. "Okay, let's go around the room and tell each other when we first got HPV," Schumer said, according to Larson in ELLE's upcoming issue. "She brings to light the parts of our lives that we usually conceal," the Room star added. "[Amy]'s using comedy to break down boundaries." Making people feel totally at ease while also embarrassing them a little and highlighting how normal it is to have HPV? That's our gal. Good one Amy: We might steal this question and use it at the next suburban baby shower we attend.

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