Ariana Grande Speaks Out About Her Passion For Rescuing Dogs

Photo: Courtesy of Eric Ogden/Billboard Magazine.
For its first philanthropy issue, Billboard magazine asked several stars to speak about their favorite charity missions. While Elton John spoke about his AIDS Foundation and Lady Gaga talked about her Born This Way Foundation, Ariana Grande revealed that her main passion is rescuing dogs. Grande chatted with Billboard about her mission, stating that the ASPCA reports 1.2 million dogs euthanized every year. "The thought of a sweet, loving angel going without a home or being killed simply because there’s no one who will come and claim him is heartbreaking," she told the magazine. "I want to help spread the word as much as I can, and I’ve been able to work with amazing organizations, including BarkBox, which partners with shelters, and The Humane Society. My mission is to help as many homeless dogs as I can find loving families who will cherish them." She went on to explain how she's been trying to make a difference. During her Honeymoon Tour, she had puppies in need of homes come to her concert venues, where they were adopted by her fans and their families. "I love my dogs and I love my fans as if they were family, so introducing the two and knowing that I helped some of my fans to have a new, unconditionally loving friend in their life makes me very happy." She then summed up her devotion in one succint statement: "Making music, performing, and acting are fun, but without using my voice, I’ll feel like I’m doing this for no reason."

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