One Target Store Accidentally Replaced Its Muzak With Porn

Photo: Bloomberg/ Getty Images.
What could have been an ordinary errand became noteworthy for shoppers at a Campbell, CA, Target earlier this week. Customers were minding their own business, picking up groceries and casual wear, when moaning started playing over the loudspeaker. Yes, the store was playing the audio from what sounded like porn over its intercom. One shopper, Gina Young, posted a video she took during the uncomfortable incident on her Facebook page. She captioned the video, "@target employees freaking out over porn blasting over the loud speaker. This is not safe for work let alone all the small children in the store. People were up in arms. Some people threw [their] things down and walked out. Others were yelling at employees. Lots of people taking videos. Crazy!!!" A representative for Target told the Los Angeles Times, "We are actively reviewing the situation with the team to better understand what happened and to help ensure this doesn’t happen again." In other words, someone's about to get fired. Hilariously, according to the L.A. Times, this isn't the first time Target shoppers have been exposed to NSFS (not safe for shopping) sound effects Obviously, the employees were upset, parents were upset, and kids were just confused. But some college- or high school-age kids just there to grab some snacks presumably walked away with a really great story.

Posted by Gina Young on Wednesday, October 14, 2015

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