This Playlist Was Scientifically Engineered To Wake You Up

Photographed by Winnie Au.
There's no use in sugar-coating it: Waking up is hard to do. But to make it a little easier on this Monday morning, we've got this playlist from Spotify. Created with the help of David M. Greenberg, a PhD candidate who studies the psychology of music at the University of Cambridge, these tunes are sure to get you moving. But just going for the biggest, loudest tracks you can think of isn't necessarily the best strategy. Instead, Greenberg advises that we should look for songs that build in intensity to help us gradually wake up. Songs with positive lyrics and strong beats also help (and may have a nice side effect of making you feel more powerful). “Science shows that music affects us in all types of ways, including emotionally, physiologically, and in the brain," said Greenberg in a press release. "The right music — like 'Viva La Vida,' by Coldplay, with its positive energy and strong momentum — can help you wake up, get energized, and tackle the rest of your day." It also doesn't hurt to have the words "wake up" in the title, apparently. Check out the full playlist below and get to it.

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