Carly Fiorina Takes On The Ladies Of The View

On Sunday night, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina appeared on Fox News with some choice words for the ladies of The View. In Fiorina's eyes, they are liberal feminists with a one-track mind. Fiorina was criticized for not smiling enough in the second GOP debate, and was apparently overly enthusiastic during the October 28th meeting. According to The View's Michelle Collins, "She looked demented…her mouth did not turn down one time." Co-host Joy Behar chimed in, going as far as to say that the candidate's smiling face could be a Halloween mask. When asked about her thoughts regarding what was said on the show about her the day after the debate, Fiorina did not hold back.
"There is nothing more threatening to the liberal media, in general, or Hillary Clinton, in particular, than a conservative woman. Of course, there’s a double standard,” Fiorina said. “It will not stop me, it will not scare me, and maybe the ladies of The View, if I come back on again, let’s see if they have the guts to say that to my face." Their response? Challenge accepted. She will return to the show this Friday. Fiorina also said she is tired of hearing the term "women's issues," arguing that all issues, from ISIS to Russia, are women's issues. Is there hypocrisy in what Fiorina has to say about feminism? She has maintained repeatedly that she doesn't think businesses should be required to pay women the same as men, and she doesn't support guaranteed parental leave. Also, keep in mind that Fiorina has said that if she had the opportunity, she would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. Yet it seems the hosts of The View aren't exactly being paragons of feminism themselves by resorting to cheap shots about Fiorina's appearance. When a candidate supports policies that have been shown to be bad for women, why focus on her looks? What exactly is going on here? We'll find out more about this so-called double standard toward conservative women on Friday.

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