Martha Stewart’s All-Time Favorite Magazine Covers

The 25th Anniversary issue of Martha Stewart Living hits stands next week — no minor feat when some of the biggest names in media have been forced to shutter in recent years. But we would expect nothing less from Stewart, a self-proclaimed "maniacal perfectionist," and the same woman who went from running a small-scale catering business to heading up a global entertaining empire. Over the years, she's managed to stay relevant because she makes having a better home life feel attainable. She was Pinterest before it existed. That and she's constantly surprising all of us with her evolving public persona: Rapping about baking soda? Throwing shade at Blake Lively? Can you imagine 1990s Martha doing either of those things? Not a chance.
To help celebrate such a major milestone in Stewart's publishing career, we asked the domestic goddess herself to revisit all 260 issues of MSL and reveal a few of her all-time favorite covers. Be sure to click through to the end for some real throwback gems.


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