13 Women Tell Their Period Stories — The Funniest, The Worst, & The Most Nightmarish

This article was originally published on November 13, 2015.
We long for the days of poring over the Traumarama section of Seventeen. Not only were these cringe-worthy tales of toilet paper on shoes and farting in front of boys hilarious, they also reminded us that just about everyone lands in awkward situations from time to time. Beyond that, everyone gets embarrassed and lives to talk about it. So reassuring.
With this in mind, we figured it was high time to rekindle that embarrassment solidarity, particularly in the realm of periods. It's probably safe to say that a lot of you readers get them. You probably talk about them. And as much as you might fight it, every once in a while, your dear old menstrual cycle sabotages your life a little bit. This could manifest as a stain on your favorite pants, a ruined mattress, or a very uncomfortable conversation during homeroom.
We asked 13 women to share their best (whatever that may mean) stories of period mortification with us, and they did not disappoint. These tales are for anyone who has cursed her cycle and her parents and the very stars above. They're for anyone who's had to tie a sweatshirt around her waist before P.E. They're for you, and they're for us. Because we'll always be here to lend a helping pad.
So sit back, click ahead, and brace yourself for some realness, menstrual-style.

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