This Is What Disney Princesses Would Look Like As Modern Girls

Every little kid loves Disney princesses. Back in the day, most of us probably spent some time imagining what they would be like if we actually got to meet them. Well, in true Disney tradition, your dreams have come true!

artist Punziella has edited together her favorite Disney princesses (and a few extra gals from DreamWorks) with real-life images of models, making for some truly adorable and inspiring images. We can't decide whether we want to hang out with them or steal their style. (Both, if possible.)
For her edits, she's mostly limited herself to more modern princesses animated via computers. The more lifelike ladies can be plugged into photos of real-life models with a minimal amount of weirdness. But if you have your heart set on a good, old-fashioned, cel-animated princess, there are plenty of drawings of the earlier princesses on her DeviantArt page. And if you're really missing something? It looks like she takes commissions.
So if you've ever longed for a lifelike image of Princess Merida walking the runway, now might be your chance. The holidays aren't over yet!

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