Livestream: Democratic Presidential Hopefuls Tackle Minority Issues

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley are in Iowa tonight for the Brown and Black Forum to discuss the issues that are important to minority and youth voters. The forum’s moderators include heavy-hitters in the black and Latino community. Among them are Fusion anchors Jorge Ramos, Alicia Menendez, Fusion contributor Akilah Hughes and New York Magazine Writer-at-Large Rembert Browne. The moderators will focus on pertinent issues such as immigration (most likely addressing the recent wave of deportations, the Black Lives Matter movement, crushing student debt and other topics that are important to America’s growing multicultural communities. What can you expect tonight? Well, for one Jorge Ramos, whose heated confrontations have become known as as the "Jorge Ramos" effect. The moderators will definitely press for answers on the pitfalls of the nation’s criminal justice system, so expect the candidates to face tough questions about issues related to the Black Lives Matter movement. The Iowa Brown & Black Forum is the oldest forum addressing minority issues in the United States. It's co-chaired by Latino leader Mary Campos and former Iowa State Representative Wayne Ford. The forum will be broadcast live from Des Moines, Iowa at 8PM EST on Fusion. You can also follow the proceedings right here and tell us your thoughts on Facebook and Twitter.

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