Obama Knows He’s Going To Cry At Malia’s Graduation

Photo: AFP/Getty Images.
President Obama gets very emotional about his older daughter, Malia, growing up. Back in September, he talked about tearing up when he realized Malia was getting closer to college. Now, he's citing his fatherly emotions as the reason he won't be speaking at her high school graduation.
ABC News reports that Obama talked about his firstborn's upcoming graduation while breaking for lunch at a restaurant in Detroit. “Malia's school asked if I wanted to speak at commencement and I said no. I'm going to be wearing dark glasses...and I’m going to cry.”
Malia will graduate from high school this spring, and like most teenagers, she's been getting ready for her next steps. She's prepping for college life by getting some internship experience, including a choice gig working with Lena Dunham on the set of Girls. Having her dad get misty as she walks across the stage should also help her feel like any other graduate. After all, Obama likely won't be the only dad trying to downplay his tears.

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