This Transgender Girl Scout Is Using Cookies To Fight Hate

Photo: Courtesy of Girl Scouts.
Stormi is a 9-year-old Girl Scout in Herrin, IL, and she recently started selling cookies door to door, just like thousands of her peers. But when a neighbor made a bigoted comment to Stormi, who is transgender, she took her story — and her cookie sales — online.

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reports that while going door to door with her cookie order forms, Stormi, who had asked the site to be identified by her first name only, encountered a man who told her, "Nobody wants to buy cookies from a boy in a dress. Rather than see her abandon her efforts, Stormi's foster mom helped her set up an online cookie sale through the Girl Scout's cookie sale portal. In less than a week, she managed to exceed her goal — she sold over 3,000 boxes of cookies. At the top of her page she explains she wants to use Girl Scout cookies to help her fellow foster kids. She wrote, "Selling cookies is a lot of work. I have learned that even though people can be mean I shouldn't give up!" Stormi has received support across the country, including from an improv show in New York City this weekend that renamed itself in honor of her cookie efforts. This isn't the first time the the Girl Scouts have been on the right side of trans rights. The organization expanded its membership policies to welcome trans girls in May 2015.

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