Fitbit’s Latest Tracker Is ‘Fashion-Forward’

Update: On 2/10, Fitbit also announced that it would be partnering with New York design house PUBLIC SCHOOL for a variety of Alta accessories. Concepts of these designs will debut at New York Fashion Week on Sunday, February 14.
There are a lot of fitness trackers out there. And while there used to be virtually no options for women, now, it seems every company is vying for our wrist space. The latest: Fitbit, which today debuts a "fashion-forward" activity tracker called the Alta.

The Alta
features a stainless steel body and can be worn with bands of varying color and material, so it can coordinate whether you're heading to the office or to spin class. It tracks your usual Fitbit stats including steps, calories burned, distance traveled, and overall active time.
First introduced in January on the Fitbit Blaze smartwatch, the Alta will also automatically track general daily activities, workouts, and sleep. So if you start a run, or hop on your bike, there's no need to press a button to start recording the activity — Fitbit recognizes the change and starts recording it automatically. Ditto when it senses you're turning in for the evening. This is incredibly convenient — if you've ever missed tracking a workout because you forgot to hit start on an app or wearable, you know exactly what kind of FOMO we're talking about.
It can last five full days before it needs a charge, which is nice, and also includes movement reminders. Also, if you've been sitting for too long at work, it'll give you a nudge to walk around and get your heart rate up.
But, other than its auto exercise recognition, there's nothing truly novel or different about the tracker compared to others on the market. If you're in the Fitbit ecosystem already, and are looking for an upgrade, this $130 option could be a smart buy. (It's available for pre-order today, and will ship in March.) If you've never bought an activity monitor before and want something functional, but not overly large or heinous looking, the Alta could also be a good option for you. But if you're looking for earth-shattering wearable health and fitness revelations, save your money.
For a better look at the Alta, you can click for more pictures.

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