The Worst Movie Couples Of All Time

The Graduate: Everett Collection.
Silver Linings Playbook: Snap Stills/REX Shutterstock.
Pretty In Pink: Mary Evans/Ronald Grant/Everett Collection.
For every pair of star-crossed lovers cruelly ripped apart by class divides and icebergs, there is a movie couple forced together by sentimental screenwriting — and, let’s face it, a formidable audience demand to see romance triumph on the silver screen.
But sometimes, after the lights come on and the warm glow of Hollywood romance wears off, we’re left wondering about the destiny of the happy couple: Would they really work out? How long after the credits roll would it take for them to throw in the towel? Yes, it's a cynical premise. No, you shouldn’t click through this post if you look to rom-coms to reaffirm your belief in soulmates. Nor if the thought of your favorite fictional romances going up in flames is too much to bear. But if, like me, you’re sick of cinema’s obsession with tying up everything with a neat little bow — and been caught rolling your eyes at the pivotal “wait, we love each other” scene more than once — this story is for you. Here are 16 movie couples who should not have ended up together.


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