The Celebrity Nanny & How Eva Amurri Martino Changed The Conversation

Hollywood is full of rumors: rumored movie roles, rumored rekindled romances, and, worst of all, rumored scandals.
On February 29, we wrote about actress Eva Amurri Martino, whose husband fired their nanny after the nanny texted him a wildly inappropriate message while Martino was out of town.
The message read, "OMG. Girl, did I mention to you how hot and sex my Boss is. I would love to fuck his brains out ha haah. Too bad he seems not to like thick Latin women with lots to hold on to LOL." From there, Martino's husband confronted and fired the nanny, leaving Martino feeling shocked, confused, and betrayed. A woman who had helped raise the couple's kids was sexting Martino's husband. It's hard to read and wrap your head around.
The whole "nanny steals Hollywood man" tale is a bit of a cliché at this point, but it's not exactly mythological. For every rumor about a "hot" nanny ruining a celebrity marriage, there's an actual star who fell in love with (and ended up with) the children's caretaker.
But Martino titled her blog post about the incident "Nannygate 2.0: Happily Eva After," winking at the fact that her particular story was changing the existing narrative on nannies as marriage ruiners. Sometimes, the wife gets to win, and win big.
Here are the five most well-known "nannygates" that preceded Martino's own.

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