Humans of New York Founder Pens Scathing Open Letter To Donald Trump

Photo: Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock.
Brandon Stanton, founder of the popular Humans of New York franchise, usually lets his subjects do the talking. But today, Stanton is using his platform to amplify his own voice — namely, his opinion of GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump. In an open letter posted to the Humans of New York Facebook page, Stanton outlined the reasons he doesn't support the wealthy businessman's presidential ambitions. The HONY founder explained that while he's declined to interview other 2016 candidates in an attempt to remain neutral, "there is no correct time to oppose violence and prejudice." "Along with millions of Americans, I've come to realize that opposing you is no longer a political decision," Stanton wrote in the Facebook post, which he addressed to Trump. "It is a moral one." Stanton also wrote that while he's interviewed hundreds of refugees from Syria and Iraq, as well as hundreds of Muslims, "the hateful one" is Trump, not any of his interview subjects. "I've watched you retweet racist lies," Stanton wrote. "I've watched you compare refugees to snakes, and claim that 'Islam hates us.'" He ended the letter by arguing that Trump won't change who he is, even if his rhetoric changes. Read Stanton's full letter on the Humans of New York Facebook page. Refinery29 has reached out to the Trump campaign for a comment on Stanton's letter and will update this post when or if we obtain a response.

An Open Letter to Donald Trump:Mr. Trump,I try my hardest not to be political. I’ve refused to interview several of...

Posted by Humans of New York on Monday, March 14, 2016

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