A Decade Of The Craziest Celebrity Twitter Hacks

There are certain privacy problems that celebrities have been faced with for decades. The constant presence of paparazzi and the never-ending relationship rumor mill are just two examples.
But the newest and biggest problem for bold-faced named in the 21st century is internet hacking. It can happen via email and the mysterious cloud, like with Hendall and Adele, or through everyone's favorite social media platforms, like Twitter.
And on Twitter, no one is off-limits. Celebrities ranging from President Obama to Lady Gaga to Lil Wayne have all been hacked throughout the years since the site's debut on March 21, 2006.
So, in honor of Twitter's decade on the web, we rounded up the 16 biggest celebrity hacks that have happened on the platform. Makes you think twice about having your dog's name or "Password123" as your go-to security blockade, doesn't it?
BRB, I'm just updating all my passwords.

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