These Are The Phrases Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders Use Most Often

Photo: Randy Holmes/Getty Images.
Even if you haven't watched every primary debate this election season, you've still likely picked up on some of the candidates' favorite talking points. According to an analysis by FiveThirtyEight's Milo Beckman earlier this month, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz frequently mentions the "right to keep and bear arms" and flat-tax rates. Donald Trump, meanwhile, is fond of sharing his viewpoint that "we don't win" as a country these days. Now, Beckman has released a similar analysis of the Democratic candidates' language patterns. So which words and phrases do Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton use most often? For Sanders, "health care to all" and the "corrupt campaign finance system" rank high on the list. Sanders also frequently states that the United States has "more people in jail than any other country" and "the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs," Beckman found. Clinton, meanwhile, often pledges "to go after" and "to do more." You've probably heard her talk about comprehensive immigration reform with a "path to citizenship." Beckman used data from the eight Democratic primary dates that have taken place so far to come up with this chart:
He sums up the findings pretty well: "Read from top to bottom, the former secretary of state's talking points resemble a cover letter put through a blender; the Vermont senator's list reads like a socialist stream of consciousness of American problems with Scandinavian solutions," Beckman writes. The analysis isn't overly groundbreaking — Clinton and Sanders agree on many political issues. Still, it's fun to see the differences between their speech patterns. And if you want to follow Beckman's suggestion and turn these lists into a drinking game at the next debate, well, it could make following politics even more interesting.

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