17 Songs We Lost Our Virginity To (Yes, That Is Actually A Thing)
Once upon a time, before Spotify playlists were a thing, a person had to actually make a decision about what music made it to their make out soundtrack. Some of those same persons would go on to score their first time, plucking the perfect track from the millions of songs in the universe to which they wanted to officially lose their virginity.
Yes, this is a thing. (Probably a wise one, given all the noisy stuff that happens the first time you have sex that is best muffled by a bit of background noise.) And for those of us who gave up the V-card after 1996, there was at least one perfect musical choice to make for that moment: "Crash," by Dave Matthews Band.
The song — and the record — celebrate its 20th anniversary on April 30. In honor of a song that '90s teens, twentysomethings and lovers all around likely banged to back in the day, we've collected our favorite "first time" tracks, including "Crash," for your listening pleasure. And if it puts you in the mood... Well, we would consider that a success.