Why Millennials Are Supporting Donald Trump

Photo: Mel Evans/AP Images.
Though Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders has largely dominated the millennial vote so far in this presidential election, a notable amount of millennial voters — those between the ages of 18 and 35 — are beginning to show support for presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. Exactly how many? According to a Harvard Institute of Politics poll reported by Fortune, a full 25% of voters under 30 said they would support Trump if he ends up running against Hillary Clinton this November. According to Fortune, young voters disillusioned by coming of age during the great recession respond to Trump's message much in the same way that they respond to Bernie Sanders, despite their vastly different political agendas. Trump, like Sanders, pledges to overthrow the current system and appears to speak honestly and bluntly about his intentions. Clinton, on the other hand, is largely seen as part of the system by millennials, who are generally suspicious of corporate power and bureaucracy. All of that leads 53% of millennials surveyed in the Harvard IOP poll to say they dislike her candidacy. This general distrust of Clinton is leading Republicans who are otherwise lukewarm about a potential Trump presidency to support the polarizing GOP frontrunner, reports the Denver Post, citing Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as a prime example. The former candidate, who repeatedly called Trump a “con artist” during his own failed presidential campaign, now falls staunchly in the "Never Hillary" camp and shared as much via Twitter.
And if money is any indication, Rubio is not alone in his newfound support of the controversial presumptive Republican nominee. In his first joint fundraiser with the RNC this week, Trump raised six million dollars, reports Bloomberg.

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