7 Good Reasons Why You Should Never, Ever Reuse a Password

Photographed by Anna-Alexia Basille.
Every single day there seems to be another hack. A few weeks ago, we learned about one of the biggest data breaches in history thus far, where 117 million LinkedIn email addresses and passwords were stolen. And just today, we learned that 32 million Twitter users' credentials are being sold online. These things happen more often than you'd think, and they're not always immediately publicized.
So, what can you do? While you can make a password as long and as complicated as possible, your efforts are fruitless if a company doesn't store that information properly. And unfortunately, you have zero control over that. But you do have control over one thing: where and when you use a password.
If you reuse the same password for multiple websites, and then one site gets hacked, that means that any other website you use with that same password can also be hacked easily — in an instant.
And if you think, "Oh, yeah, but that will never happen to me" — think again. We've rounded up the biggest, worst, and most notorious hacks from the past few years. Chances are you've had an account with at least one of these sites, which means your data has been exposed to, well, anyone who cares to find it (or buy it).
For a good reminder on why you should never reuse a password, and how to make the annoying task of managing your passwords much easier, read on. And then you can check if your email address has been pawned in any of the previously mentioned hacks, here.

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