Ruby Rose On Her Emotional Connection To Orlando Shooting

The tragedy at Pulse nightclub in Orlando over the weekend hit close to Orange is The New Black actress Ruby Rose's heart. The entertainer performed in Orlando last week, days before the shooting that left 50 people dead. "I played there last Friday and last night I performed after Pride in L.A.," Rose wrote on Instagram, in a caption that says she was devastated and heartbroken to hear the news. "From the DJ booth, you see laughter, love, dancing, freedom, and beautiful people living their lives not harming anyone. It’s one of the beautiful things to see from stage.”
Rose, 30, has been a DJ for several years and regularly travels the country for shows. Her show last week took place at Orlando's Tier Nightclub. According to Google Maps, that venue is just over a mile away from Pulse, where the mass shooting occurred. "This horrific tragedy has me on my knees at the mercy of a greater power to ask the simple question of, 'When will this end,'" Rose wrote. "I'm praying for Orlando, I'm crying for Orlando, and I am there with you in spirit sending my love and strength."

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