Woman Responds To Unsolicited Dick Pic By Sending More Dick Pics

Photographed by Fernanda Silva.
If you are a woman on the internet, you unfortunately probably have received — or will receive — an unsolicited dick pic. While this happens for a variety of reasons, most of us can likely agree that it has to stop. That's why we were particularly inspired by one woman who gave her dick-pic-sender a taste of his own medicine. As BBC reports, after Samantha Mawdsley left a review of a restaurant on Facebook, she received a dick pic from James, whom she had never met. Instead of ignoring it or blocking James, she decided to take things one step further by replying with a series of dick pics along with the message, "mine is bigger." Unsurprisingly, James didn't enjoy getting a taste of his own medicine and messaged her to say, "I just want to puke! Please stop!" Mawdsley uploaded screenshots of their conversation onto Facebook, where they began to go viral, though CNET reports that her account was later deactivated, ironically, for sending inappropriate photos. James also told Mawdsley that he was just trying to be "nice," to which she responded, "So I'm being nice too! Isn't sending unsolicited dick pics nice?!" "I wanted guys to know that not every girl is going to be silent; you do run the risk of being exposed; that you can't do this," Mawdsley told BBC. Unfortunately, Mawdsley's story is all too familiar. And she isn't the only person who has put men on blast for sending unsolicited, inappropriate photos. Earlier this year, model Emily Sears had a similarly epic response, contacting the girlfriends and family members of men who sent her dick pics on Instagram. One woman even turned her numerous unsolicited dick pics into an art show. Mawdsley also told BBC that since sharing the screenshots, she has been "inundated" with messages of support. "I feel like Beyoncé," she said. "I've had messages from all over the world, including Germany, Netherlands, and even Aruba. People have been saying 'You're my inspiration' and 'You've won the internet.' I've also had guys also saying sorry on behalf of men. I'm so shocked." Despite having her Facebook account deactivated, she isn't stopping her fight against unwanted dick pics. She has since taken to Twitter to start the hashtag #NoMoreDickPics and has even started a petition to end unsolicited dick pics on Facebook. "I really think guys are going to think twice," she told BBC. "I'd rather that they learned the lesson [that] it's unacceptable, but I'd be happy if it just peters out and doesn't happen anymore. It's sexual harassment and shouldn't be allowed."

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