10 Entertaining Responses To Twitter’s Newest Feature

Photo: Courtesy Twitter.
Twitter has had some newsworthy updates of late, including a change to its permitted character count and the option to tweet and quote retweet yourself. Naturally, these changes have inspired a variety of user feedback. But the responses to Twitter's new retweet and quote retweet function have been particularly interesting.
Since Twitter publicized the feature on its account on Tuesday, users have taken to their feeds with anger, joy, and wit. Some are demanding a recall, while others are pleading for an edit option.
But above all, people are pointing out that retweeting yourself can be entertaining, at times self-promotional, and, more often than not, an embarrassing look at your younger self (Justin Bieber probably doesn't want a reminder of this, for example).
Click through for ten entertaining takes on retweets. Then head here to search for anyone's earliest tweet.

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