Pokémon Go Porn Is Now Super-Popular, Kind Of Funny

The explosive popularity of Pokémon Go has led to some strange results. First, people are exercising. Second, it may be saving relationships. And, of course, a whole host of other things are going on. But a third side effect is both shocking and completely unsurprising. Apparently some men are doing what men do best when a new popular thing emerges. Getting insanely horny off of it and then going to search for an outlet. Porn website reports that Pokémon pornography has now outstripped the competition, claiming the top search spot on the site. “In the last 5 days we have seen a giant shift in porn searches. Our top searches which usually consist of ‘MILF,’ ‘Teen,’ and ‘Interracial’ have been replaced with ‘Pokémon,’ ‘Pikachu,’ ‘Hentai,’ and ‘Anime’. Anime has become our #1 accessed genre over the weekend with the booming popularity of Pokémon Go,” Alex Hawkins, spokesman for, said in a statement. That’s quite something. Some enterprising men are even generating their own Pokémon-based pornography. Look at these Diglett pics. It’s possible that they’re safe for work, but you’d certainly have to do some explaining.
The practice has grown so commonplace that some people are already calling for its end.
But it's not all bad. There's this advertisement that's using our Pokémon Go pornography obsession for good.
So, some hope. We guess.

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