Kylie Jenner’s Hands-Down Best Moments On Snapchat

Photo: Matt Baron/BEI/BEI/Shutterstock.
At this point, dozens of our favorite celebrities and public figures have joined Snapchat, giving us unprecedented behind-the-scenes looks at their lives. But, even with the influx of famous people to the platform, Kylie Jenner is without a doubt the queen of Snapchat. She dedicates a large chunk of her day to keeping her fans up to date with a constant play-by-play.
Curious what Jenner ate as a snack today? It's on there. Wonder what color her lips are this very minute? She snapped that. Just curious how a rich teenager spends her time? It's all here.
If Snapchat ever wanes in popularity, I believe Jenner's dedicated following alone will keep it afloat.
So, let's take a minute to appreciate all of Jenner's best moments that expired after 24 hours, but will live on the internet forever. Thanks, technology.

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