’90s Kids Will Totally Remember These

Real talk: I have very little patience for people who talk about missing being a kid. We tend to remember childhood as an idyllic time, but it's also pretty stressful. There are bullies, you have to learn multiplication tables, and you have a bedtime. Plus, you can't even knock back a beer to take the edge off the stress. Others can keep their childhood nostalgia; I'm perfectly happy being an adult in 2016 with my iPhone and credit card.
Until it's time for back-to-school. Then, I become insanely jealous of anyone under the age of 18 who can convince their mom to go to Target for new pencil cases and binders. Because nothing will ever compare to getting to buy fresh-ass school supplies. Maybe it was the rush of getting a bunch of new things under the auspices of education, maybe it was the promise of a fresh start, maybe it was the day-glo Lisa Frank colors sending me on a kiddie acid trip — but it was always amazing.
Click through to see the 30 essential school supplies from childhood that make even me miss being a kid.

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