8 Innovative Fashion Players Breaking The Rules Right Now
We're in the thick of fashion month, and this season, deviating from business-as-usual has become ubiquitous. It's (almost) not news anymore when yet another designer breaks from industry tradition, be it by embracing a "see now, buy now" philosophy or just straight-up abandoning the frenzy of showing at Fashion Week. There's a lot of noteworthy innovation happening in fashion today. And the players responsible for shaking up the status quo certainly aren't doing it by adhering to bygone rules.
Most of these game-changers are doing things differently far beyond Fashion Week (a time-honored biannual roll-out of new collections that, let's face it, appears to be on the brink of extinction). Ahead, meet eight players test-driving novel approaches for succeeding in fashion by breaking the rules, be it in terms of size- or gender-inclusivity, traditional manufacturing M.O.'s, or what, exactly, belongs on the runway, from sweatpants to political messages.
Some have achieved household-name status already, others are behind-the-scenes agents of change or indie talents addressing traditionally underserved customers. But they're all radically rethinking how to go about the business of fashion. If you're not familiar with their names, it's time to get acquainted, ASAP.