Have You Noticed That Everyone Is Wearing The Same Shirt?

Photographed by Victoria Adamson.
Imagine if a milkmaid went all Fräulein Maria and crafted a series of blouses out of a floor trader's blue-striped shirts. Then, imagine if she distributed those shirts to every stylish woman in every major fashion capital in the world. That's not exactly how this happened, but it might as well be, because in the last few months, these shirts are everywhere.
Don't get us wrong: We love this milkmaid-of-Wall-Street trend. It's romantic and tough and feels a little off in the kind of way that grabs our attention. You can wear it with skirts or jeans, heels or sneakers, and take it to work and out to a date afterward. It's a crazy shirt that's actually crazy versatile, too. But, obviously, we're not the only ones who feel that way. We've compiled a roundup of the likeminded women who've adopted this style of shirt as their own.

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