Compromise, cooperate, and coordinate. The sun is winding down its annual tour of balanced Libra this week, bringing one more push for harmony. Until Saturday, try — with Hillary Clinton-level discipline — to play nice. On Saturday, Scorpio season begins and it's going to be much harder to avoid those extremes. With this strategic, secretive sign ruling the skies until November 21, there may be more shade and scandals being served. But despite its nefarious reputation, Scorpio is represented by four phases: The stinging Scorpion, charming serpent, soaring eagle, and alchemical phoenix. When they go low, you can definitely go high, rising from the ashes and refusing to take a single sip of that toxic tea.
On a more mundane level, Scorpio season is super-erotic, charging the air with seductive vibes. But there's nothing light and fluffy about these connections. Lust and trust are a package deal during this three-week phase. And from Tuesday through November 11, amorous Venus sails through bold, outspoken Sagittarius. Time to get empowered between the sheets and take your purr to a roar!