35 Stunning Photos For Those That Missed Last Night’s Supermoon

Last night, the Hunter's Moon graced our skies. And it wasn't an ordinary moon either: it was a supermoon, shining up to 14% larger than your average full moon. It was the perfect thing to get us in the mood for Halloween (although unfortunately, the full moon and Halloween won't land on the same date until 2020).
Full moons happen every 29 to 30 days (29.53 days, to be exact), when the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon. When the moon is positioned perfectly in line with the sun and the earth, we end up with a lunar eclipse — the earth's shadow blocks the sun's illumination of the moon, causing it to go dark.
The full moon is beautiful, mysterious, and steeped in mythology. Nowadays though, it's also something we love to capture with our cameras. We've rounded up 35 of our favorite photos of the full moon, from lunar eclipses to amazing shots of last night's bulbous super-moon. Read on for a look at images captured by NASA, professional photographers, and casual moon-admirers alike. (And if you want ideas for how to take your own photos of the full moon this weekend on your iPhone, this astronomer has some great tips here.)

This piece originally published October 14, 2016.


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