Kate Middleton Flew Commercial & Her Fellow Passengers Freaked Out

Photo: Samir Hussein/Getty Images.
A commercial flight is usually not the place you expect to run into famous people, because anybody who is anybody has a private jet, or at the very least they charter their flights. That's why it was totally shocking when Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, casually strode onto a 7:15 p.m. British Airways flight from the Netherlands yesterday. Okay, so it wasn't actually that casual of an entrance. She is a member of the Royal Family, after all. The Duchess was escorted onto the plane by a bodyguard and was seated on the very first row. According to The New Zealand Herald, she was also the first to be let off the plane after it landed. From the plane, she was escorted to a private car, which was waiting on the tarmac. Though the Duchess spent most of the flight talking quietly with a member of her team who was seated next to her, her fellow passengers jumped on the opportunity to photograph her as she boarded the plane.
Harper's Bazaar reported that this was Middleton's first official trip without Prince William and their two children. While on this Dutch day trip, she visited King Willem-Alexander and admired Vermeer's paintings at the Mauritshuis Museum. That sounds like a fun trip, but her highlight was probably seeing the looks on her fellow passengers' faces when she first stepped foot on that plane.

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