That Moment When You Realize You Don’t Actually Hate Boho

Photographed by Victoria Adamson.
There are women who like boho and there are women who'd literally rather eat an entire fringed suede jacket than wear it. I have always considered myself firmly on Team Never Boho. I've tried out many "vibes" in my lifetime, including mod, 2002 emo, 2007 American Apparel hipster, fashion goth, Lula reader, and fashion blogger clown, but I've never once looked at boho and thought, That's something I'd like to try. I'm not sure what it is about tiered prairie dresses, wide-brimmed hats, and gladiator sandals make me see red, but nothing that could ever be described as boho has ever found its way into my closet.
Which is why I was so confused when my partner looked at me one day and asked me, "Don't you own three of those Little House On The Prairie shirts now?" Well no — I had four. I had somehow come to be the owner of four items that could accurately be described as something Laura Ingalls Wilder might have made out of calico. They're all blouses, all featuring a button back of some sort, with a beautiful mini ruff-neck and bib-style collar. They are not only boho, they are awesome.
But here's the thing about this kind of boho that's not at all the 2002 Sienna Miller-type of boho. It's hippie (in a way — long grass and flower chains existed on the prairie, after all) and uses prints that are all Coachella-approved, but there's nothing overtly sexy about it. It's boho in the way that is all about hard winters, salt pork, and studying grammar by the dim light of an oil lamp. Call me a masochist, but that's the kind of boho I like.
In 2007, Miller told Vogue that she was over it: "I just don't want to wear anything floaty or coin-belty ever again. No more gilets. [...] No more boho-chic."
But almost 10 years later, she might want to revisit that — I know I have! Click through for a few other women who are doing a new kind of boho.

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