How This 6-Year-Old Defended Her Autistic Brother

If you want proof that discrimination against people who are different is something we're taught, not born with, just look at kids. Lex Camilleri, a six-year-old in the U.K., shows a better understanding than some adults about why autism is not a negative trait. After a classmate called her autistic brother "weird," she wrote a letter explaining what was wrong with this attitude, The NY Daily News reports. "On Monday, I felt very sad because a girl in my class said that my brother was weird," she wrote. "My brother has autism and is not weird. I would like it if we could learn about all disabilities in schools so that everybody understands that some people are different." Lex's mom Sophie Camilleri posted the letter on Facebook. Her daughter's classmate, she explained, hadn't ever heard of autism. Lex decided to speak about disabilities at a student council meeting to fight this ignorance. "I’m so very proud that Lex has this view and wants to change the way other children view others with disabilities," she wrote. Now that the post has nearly 30,000 shares, it's safe to say the letter has succeeded in educating many people at her school and beyond it.

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