Confessions Of A Former Starbucks Employee

Photo: Getty Images.
This story was originally published on October 26, 2016.
Before I worked at Starbucks, I went there a lot. I went so much, in fact, that during my interview the manager recognized me as a regular. (I ordered a peppermint mocha every single day.) But even as a Starbucks regular, I never really knew what went on behind the scenes.
We all interact with our baristas a lot, but not many people really know what it’s like to be wearing that green apron. And, TBH, I never truly appreciated the people behind my daily latte until I had to work one of those infamous 4 a.m. opening shifts. Or, the numerous times I spelled names wrong on cups that customers were planning to Instagram. (Sorry!)
From intensive training to the out-the-door lines, I was in the thick of it for a year-and-a-half. Read on to peek over the bar and see what working at Starbucks is really like.

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