The Video Evolution Of Lindsay Lohan’s Accent — Because We’re Confused, Too

Photo: Nick Harvey/REX/Shutterstock.
Lindsay Lohan has a new, mesmerizingly weird accent — and the internet is very, very confused.
During the October 30 interview that kicked off this whole investigation, Lohan promotes her new nightclub in Greece, Club Lohan, and her work with Syrian refugees (she donates free energy drinks). However, it's nearly impossible to even pay attention to what she's saying, because her accent is so bizarre. It's kind of a mixture of Russian, Spanish, English, French, and sort of Australian? In an interview with The Daily Mail on November 1, she said "It's a mixture of most of the languages I can understand or am trying to learn." She also suggested that it should be called "Lilohan."
I love accents as much as the next girl, but Lohan's is particularly hard to place. At first, people were alarmed, wondering if the actress forgot how to talk "normally." Of course, she's been living full-time in Europe for the past two years, but not everyone who moves countries resurfaces with a custom accent. The most logical guess is that Lohan just picked up nuances from her international friend group abroad.
But, I wanted to know for sure. In my head, I remember the upbeat youthfulness of Lohan as Cady Heron in Mean Girls, and then the later, raspy voice of the Lohan who often spoke barely above a whisper on OWN's Lindsay. Never once did I imagine hearing the redheaded child star speak as if she were learning English for the first time. So, I tracked the evolution of Lohan's voice through the years, and the results are pretty surprising. It turns out, Lohan has been teasing her Lilohan accent for awhile. You might want to hear this.

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