What To Wear To Cheer On Our Girl Tomorrow

There's no getting around it: The 2016 presidential race has been nutty, or rather, the longest season of a very intense, life-altering sport that doesn't seem to ever end. But, like any athletic activity, the final moments are upon us, and we've got to wear our team colors to show support (let's go, Hillz!). Maybe you'll want to wear all blue, or maybe you'll want to get a little more creative (it is the year of merch, after all).
In the slideshow ahead, you'll find five outfits to rock — from a killer pantsuit to some Clinton-decorated designs — while you rock the vote. Reminder: Tomorrow is a huge day for this country. We will, by the power of all the women who have ever lived and will ever be born, vote a woman to be our next president. And that's a big deal. Click on for some looks to get you in the polling mood. Now's the time to get out and do the damn thing — but check your state's laws, because some of this may not be allowed while you actually cast your vote.