23 Gifts For Every Member In Your Squad

Nowadays, your friend circle is akin to a second family. Your real relatives may get you on the holidays, but your squad gets you the other 300-something days of the year. From dissecting every shopping purchase to those late-night group texts, they know you inside and out (and vice versa). And the best of the best deserve, well, the best of the best when it comes to gifts.
All the hustle and bustle this time of year, though, can make it hard to show your appreciation on a budget; after all, you've got a big shopping list, and only so much of that end-of-the-year bonus to spend. But that's the best part about friends: They don't need extravagant gifts. For your closest pals, a 'lil something is all you need to give, a "thank you" for all those times they listened to you recount your dreams or looked at screenshots of your Tinder matches.