Dave Chappelle On Saturday Night Live Is Exactly What We Need

Photo: Rosalind O'Connor/NBC.
After this week's election results, America seemed sad, angry, and full of hate. The news was filled with stories of hate crimes. Hillary Clinton supporters were in mourning. In short, we felt down. We needed someone to lift us up. Enter, Dave Chappelle.
Chappelle, who’d never hosted Saturday Night Live before, treated us all to a nearly 11-minute opening monologue. And with it, he used humor to make sense of a year full of tragedy and division. It was loose and felt more like stand-up than a rehearsed SNL open — and that's what made it so damn perfect.
In every sketch, Chappelle left you with deep belly laughs and, at times, slack-jawed for what he'd just said or done. He didn't compromise his humor for NBC, the FCC, or anyone. And maybe that's what made this episode of Saturday Night Live, the first since Donald Trump became our president-elect, that much more potent.
Last night's episode was proof: After a bad week, there's no one like Chappelle to lift your spirits. Click ahead for a roundup of some of the best moments from last night's episode of Saturday Night Live.


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