The Year’s Most Controversial TV Moments

The election may have put you on one side or another of this year's debates, but politics was hardly the only controversy people couldn't stop talking about in 2016 — and thank heavens for that. Television is something we can all talk about without too much drama. Fortunately, there were a ton of controversial moments from the tube that provided plenty of conversational fodder across the board and the nation.
For better or worse, TV didn't hold back this year: It offed beloved characters, broke up couples we assumed were ride-or-die, and dropped major reveals that made fans run to the message boards for immediate picking apart and discussion. Not every choice made by TV's powers-that-be made every fan happy, but it did keep us engaged. Trouble is the spice of life, right?
While we haven't quite gotten over some of these moments, at least there's always more in the mix for next year — turns of events that will surely have fans up in arms. Until then, let's take a look back at the bold moves TV made this year and the controversies that followed. (Warning: spoilers to follow!)

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